Hip-hop is a series of movements which relies on individualism and personal style. It embraces several styles of street funk jazz, body popping, locking, krumping and break dancing. It is often performed to rap or music video style material.
All Classes
white sneakers with white laces (no markings)
Dance attire (no jeans!)
Recreational Hip-hop
(No pre-requisites; recital only; costume deposit)
Ages 3 - 5
30 min. class
Ages 6 - 8
1 hour class
Age 9 - Teen
1 hour class
1 hour class
Competitive Hip-Hop
Age 7 +
must take a min. of one other PERFORMANCE CLASS either Recreational or competitive
4 competitions
costume deposit
most costumes will be purchased
min. age 7 years
1 hour class
Advanced Level
hip hop technique required
Kompany Hip Hop
Junior Hip Hop
1 hour class
Ages 7+
hip hop technique required
Specialty technique classes optional
Intermediate Hip Hop
1 hour class
Hip hop technique required
Special technique classes optional
Advance Hip Hop
1.5 hour class
Hip hop technique required
Hip-Hop Technique
This is a supplementary class designed to breakdown and define the vocabulary of different hip hop styles and methods. This class is structured to aid in the development and success of the competitive hip hop dancers.
Age 9+
1 hour class
no recital choreography
no costume
technique only